Girls! Girls! Girls!
Coco Pebbles and wax
Tell me true
Dr Pepper and popcorn too.
Heard from you the other
Tell me wrong or right?
Paint and polish
craft and art
Roses that match
Bind our heart.
10-4 Over
May 3, 2013-6-9 PM-Groundfloor Gallery -427 Chestnut Street
Taking inspiration from a poem found among the missed connections on Craigslist, Girls! Girls! Girls! highlights a variety of female artists reflecting on matters ranging from teenage heartthrobs and relationships to female role models, manicures, and memory – all with a sense of wit. Artists include Emily Clayton, Kellie Bornhoft, Rachel Growden, Sarah Growden, and Hannah Taylor, with additions to be made.
Curated by Rachel Growden
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