In the past year, my life has consisted of traveling to over a dozen countries and moving timezones three separate times. Space has become present in the forefront of my mind and the identity that space itself adopts seems to come from a combination of both Nature and Culture and the combat between the two. Meanwhile across the world missiles are flying, people are being executed, and violence is escalating due to the definition of borders. The emphasis on ownership and use of space seems to be ingrained into our identities.
Questions I'm Exploring:
How do we categorize the value in a bordered space? Resources? Recreational use? Demand? Historical (Spiritual) Memory? Cultural invention? Educational and preservation potential? Ownership and size?
Why do we construct and elaborate scenery in some places and neglect others?
If the borders tend to fall on what we do and do not own, then are we looking to build up our corner of land to view for ourselves or for others to view us?
Why do we more often look to enclose and draw borders than to join spaces together?