My 9 things I favor from this year in no particular order. 


1.  "The Nothing that Is: A Drawing Show in 5 Parts" curated by Bill Thelen and Jason Polan

Participating in this show was by far my favorite opportunity of 2015. The other artists, the curators, and employees of CAM Raleigh made the experience engaging and formative. I got to work with eager interns and student docents on representing and maintaining the living work. The show got a generous amount of attention from the publications such as Frieze Magazine. However, the most beneficial outcome was observing the public interact and respond to the work. 

Google walkthrough: https://www.google.com/maps/place/CAM+Raleigh,+409+W+Martin+St,+Raleigh,+NC+27603/@35.7769401,-78.6457377,3a,66.8y,273.6h,82.24t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1shfmbw1bJ9N8AAAQuoLy-og!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x89ac5f7a9e7b2335:0x82d5b022db957d03



2. Residency at Artspace in Raleigh, NC

The space and support to build my recent body of work is what led to the exhibitions I had this year. It was incredible to walk a couple blocks to my beautiful studio at Artspace. Chatting with other artists and visitors about my work taught me to become more approachable for a general audience. During my 6 month residency I was able to organize a performance, make 5 wall-based sculptures, produce 2 video works, write 4 articles, build one large scale kinetic sculpture, and work many other exercises without end products. 


3. The Emerging Art Writers Mentorship Program at BURNAWAY

Afted completing the Mentorship program in the last 6 months my writing has gained voice, nuance, direction, as well as efficiency. Driving to Atlanta, being hosted by artists, and being introduced to the art scene was a bonus. 


4.  Raleigh community

In February I was invited to join a crit group mostly made up of UNC MFA grads. Now I can't imagine what I would do without their input and friendship. The art community is supportive and collaborative here and I am grateful for the way the participants have included me.


5. Giving Attention

In January I was invited to participate in a show at Georgia State in Atlanta. At the time I had few connections there and this show was the first of regional out-of-state shows. My work was in conversation with other sculptures in the show that similarly dealt with concepts of nature and culture.  

6.  How to Feel Real at Kingston Gallery in Boston

This show gave a space for a few new works and a recontextualization of old works. Traveling, installing and meeting the great people at Kingston was a lot of fun. I had never been to Boston and I enjoyed the brisk walks and exploring the city. 


7. Writing

As I am dyslexic, writing has been the perfect challenge. Engaging with other artists and  exhibitions has helped me formulate my own ideas and consider and outward perspective. 


8. The local landscape

Growing up in Kansas City, Missouri can cause one to have low expectations of a landscape. Since moving to North Carolina, I cannot get enough of it. Sometimes I pack up and drive 2 hours to the beach just because I can and I enjoy the quiet car ride. My husband and I have collected backpacking gear and take off at any opportunity to hammock in the mountains. My flexible job and fortunate geographical location has built a lifestyle to be creative in. 

9. The work

Nothing changes me like the materials I change. Some runners get runners high and I seem to term with euphoria after a day in the studio. I'm thankful for the way that my work as been faithful to me and for the opportunities I have to engage it.